One of my favorite teams beside the Boston Red Sox is the Giants of San Francisco. This team is considered one of the Giants of the National League West Division. Though the history of this team has its up and down, I still love the effort and the excitement this team brings to the game. No matter how tough their opponents are, they play with a great spirit and an admiring sportsmanship. If you want to know how hard this team practices everyday, I recommend you to buy San Francisco Giants Tickets now when they are still available. One of the historic rivalry of the Giants is the Los Angeles Dodgers, these two teams had played against each other so many times, and each time, they brought to the baseball fans a new meaning of a true game. Unlike the feud between the Red Sox and the Yankees, the Dodgers/Giants rivalry is the oldest, most competitive and most storied in baseball history. Check out the schedule for their training session here
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