Like everyone else, I have about three or four credit cards along with a debit card. I often use my credit to pay for many things such as a meal with my friends, books for school, go shopping, pay for my cellphone bill, etc. Sometimes, I overused my credit line and ended paying a lot more than I borrowed from the credit cards. Personally, I think having credit cards is not a good thing, you keep spending money and convincing yourself that you will work later to pay for it, but most of the time, that doesn't happen and you find yourself burden in debt. I has grown more careful when it comes to using credit cards, I take many credit card advice from my relatives, my friends so I cancelled all of my credit cards' account, except for only one just in case of emergency. I regularly check for credit card news of my credit card's company for my credit line, APR, and many fees and rates to make sure I don't pay too much. Now, I am proud to say that I am 0% credit cards, I am free from debt.
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Well, actually credit cards can be really nice because of their rewards and rebates. If you pay them off on time, of course...
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